By using SalesStreamliner you understand and agree to our Billing Policies.
SalesStreamliner Subscription Details
Payment, Term, and Renewal: Subscriptions automatically renew on the anniversary date of your initial purchase, whether that be monthly, quarterly or annually. You are responsible for keeping your payment information current. Declined payments or other failure to make payment will result in cancellation of your service. All sales are final, unless otherwise stated in your applicable agreement with SalesStreamliner or its affiliates, or as mandated by statute, regulation, or law.
Cancellation: To prevent automatic renewal, your SalesStreamliner subscription must be canceled before your renewal date. To cancel your subscription, please email No refunds will be provided for partial months (monthly subscription) or remaining months (quarterly / annual subscription) of service. Upon termination of a subscription, access to the application is removed. SalesStreamliner retains your data and it is available upon request for 90 days from the termination of your subscription. You must contact us in writing within those 90 days if you require a backup of your data. Customers may export back-up data at anytime.
Addition of Users, Features, and/or Services: Additional subscription users, features, and/or services may be added at any time. You will be charged a pro-rated amount based on the remaining time in your subscription term. The anniversary/renewal date will remain the same for all users, features, and/or services. Reduction of subscription users, features, and/or services may only take place at the time of renewal per the cancellation policy.
Last Update: 12/16/20